For the past few days I have been like an expectant mother, jumping at every feedback about the book being available or not available at stores. I sent mails and SMSes to the Publishers pestering them about why the stocks have not reached the stores. Being in Retail and the becoming an author, is a bit like a Doctor going for some treatment. Such a person would want to know everything, second the other Doctor and so on.
So it was with me. Calling all my friends at the various book chains to enquire why the book is not available yet; to be told that orders have been placed and then hassle the publisher about why the stocks have not been sent.
My loving friends unknowingly fuelled this frenzy by reporting back whenever they went to one of the stores and saying that the book was not yet available.
Today morning I went over to the store for some cheap thrills. Had pictures taken of me next to the book on display and all that. It was an awesome and memorable moment.
It seemed only right that “The INDIAN reTALEs” has finally hit the shelves during this time of the year.
Please look out for the book when you visit a book store next and spread the word about “The INDIAN reTALEs” amongst all your friends and contacts.
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